Iringa Boma Photo Challenge

Do you have photos of the Iringa Boma Museum, its events, or fahari yetu related cultural heritage sites? We want to see! Share them with us for your chance to win free admittance to any Iringa Boma events for a whole year, and a copy of Mukwavinyika Mwamuyinga! Simply post your photo to Facebook or Instagram and tag us or use the hashtag #iringabomaphotochallenge. The contest runs from October 1st to October 31st. Show us what you got!


Call for Applications for Exchange Semester in Germany

To the University of Iringa community!

Don’t miss this great opportunity if you belong the the following target groups:

  1. Students in Master of Arts in Tourism, Culture and Society (MATCS)
  2. Academic staff from the Department of Cultural Anthropology and Tourism and those of other Departments with social and cultural research or teaching interest

Apply before 21 November 2016 to spend the Second Semester 2016/2017 at the University of Göttingen in Germany.

Download the full call for application for detailed information:

This opportunity is funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ KA 107 (Mobility with Partner Countries): Go International Plus 2016 programme.

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