The Council of Hehe Elders is an association of representatives from different long-established families in Iringa, including the family of descendants of Chief Mkwawa. The Council was formed out of its members’ shared commitment to the conservation of the culture and heritage of the Hehe people. fahari yetu actively supports and promotes the Council through different activities, such as a participatory workshop series on “the use of medicinal plants to cure flu and seasonal fever” in response to the Corona outbreak in spring 2020. The workshops were facilitated by various male and female healers who are also members of the Council. Community members were able to learn how to process and cook leaves and roots of various medicinal plants, and undergo a special steam treatment in a sauna-like wooden shed. The workshops were covered by local and national media drawing on the attendance of prominent workshop participants such as the Mayor and the District Commissioner of Iringa. The community highly appreciated the workshops in particular for the involvement of elderly healers as traditional authorities. In July 2020, fahari yetu furthermore provided financial and logistic support to the Mkwawa Festival. The annual festival commemorates the death of the great Chief Mkwawa in 1898 as his last act of resistance against the German colonial invasion of his kingdom.