fahari yetu helps to make the artisan business in the Region more sustainable. There are many different artisan groups around Iringa. Selected ones are coordinated in a coaching and mentoring programme, including training skills training, physical support to work space facilities and equipment, networking with other stakeholders like NGOs, customers, tour companies and other artisan groups, and joint market creation and marketing.

Local communities around cultural sites, conservation centres, and the region at large are sensitized for the importance and potential of culture and heritage and actively involved in the identification of cultural heritage resources in their environment. In order to capacitate people to utilize such resources for improving their livelihoods, fahari yetu undertakes result-oriented training programmes in the areas of cultural heritage and natural resource management, cultural and tourism business skills and entrepreneurship, tour guiding skills, and hospitality and customer services.

From 2019-2020, the fahari yetu community outreach and empowerment programme was supported by the Arbeitskreis “Entwicklungshilfe” e.V. in Dresden, and the Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken in Berlin, Germany. Its measures were co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget decided by the members of the Saxon state parliament.

Vikapu Bomba

Bonnie Lulenga

Juhudi & Maarifa


Council of Hehe Elders